Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CerMark Can Take the Heat


Once again our materials have passed many chemical and physical testing. Here is a video demonstrating our materials with standing temperatures up to 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Stay tuned for more postings in the future, take care!

Here is the YouTube link:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Metal Marking Colors from CerMark

Hello All,

Here is a sneak peek of a few pictures of art work done with our 45 watt CO2 laser. These are just some examples of what you can do with our new Metal Marking Products we will be launching. They will be on display at the ARA show in Las Vegas next week if you need a closer look. These new products work well on stainless steel with a 45 watt CO2 Laser as well as our CW 10 watt Fiber laser. They are still in developmental stages so all the proper durability testing still has not been done to them yet, we will keep you posted on the testing. The launch of these products will coincide with the ARA show this February the 25th, so they will be available to purchase after that date. More information will be available at the ARA show in Las Vegas so if you are going, Dennis and Dave meet you there to answer any questions you might have. We will be posting updates on these products and any new news we can offer as soon as possible so please stay posted.

Las Z mark

Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome Joe Sarver!

2008 has been a very busy year for us. We have had many changes in our department and new product developments as well.

Mr. Science has left the Laser Marking Materials group. Sean Weir had a promotion as the Product Manager of the SpecTruLite line of heavy-metal-free organic inks and coatings. He is responsible for sales and marketing, managing technical service for prospective sales, and supporting Ferro's global organic glass products business. But have no fear Mr. Science fans, Sean remains in our facility and he serves as a consultant for the laser group. We wish Sean all the best with his promotion and hope he brings the same success to his new Organics group as he did with our Laser group. Since there now is an opening position that needed filling we added a new Scientist, Joe Sarver. Joe has a background in color styling & matching in inks, coatings, plastics, and fiber using organic and inorganic chromophores. His specialties are in functional applications of organic & inorganic compounds for use in the areas of laser marking and infrared reflecting technology. We feel that Joe’s special abilities will complement our group and will enable us to provide even more exciting innovations in Laser Marking in our future. Welcome to our group Joe!